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ADA Policy

Last updated: August 15, 2023

We care deeply that our website is built responsibly and can be used by everyone. We have ensured that our website meets current best practices and relevant legislation. Our continuous site improvements are guided by relevant portions of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA, and other recommendations. We welcome and appreciate any input to ensure our site remains accessible.

If you do have any feedback, questions, or corrections, please get in touch with us: [email protected]


  • All pages on this site use HTML5, CSS3, and other modern web technologies.
  • This site aims to comply with Section 508 by adhering to the latest version of the Web Accessibility Content Guidelines WCAG 2.0.
  • This site aims to comply with the EU’s Privacy and Communications Directive about using cookies or similar technologies.


  • We prioritize standards-compliant browsers and use progressive enhancements to ensure information delivery to all browsers.
  • Users with older browsers can still access all information, though the visual experience may differ.


  • The layout and configuration of this website have been optimized for mobile and tablet devices.
  • We have used Responsive Web Design techniques to improve the browsing experience on devices with various screen sizes.


  • Links are written to make sense out of context – we do not use “click here.”
  • Links to downloadable documents or PDFs are marked as such, and links to downloadable contact information are also clearly labeled, accompanied by semantic markup.
  • All links to external websites or resources open in the same window for accessibility reasons.


  • All content images used in this site include text alternatives.
  • All background and decorative images are created with stylesheets.
  • Our web pages are designed to keep the content legible and accessible with images turned off or when stylesheets are unavailable.